Monday 27 August 2012

Christchurch Birthday Weekend

In the wekend I went to Cristerch for my cusons birthday. He had a batman birthday. Our cups said our names on them my one said BatJosie on it. Hamish's said Hamish the archer on it. Violet's said BatViolet on it. It was the same as myn but it said Violet on it. His cake had a batman simble on it too. I sleped there for one nite. I sleped in his big sister's bed. Mum and Dad sleped in a big boy's bed. There was two big pillows in it. The pillows were blue. My pillow was pink with red dots on it. Laurie sleped on a matris on the floor. Violet sleped in the birthday boy's bed. She fell out so did Hamish.

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