Friday, 16 November 2012
Balls are Delicious for Ziva
This is me and my awesome dog Ziva. I love Ziva because she is the best but she also needs lots of exercise. She goes to dog school to learn how to be a good girl for us. We have to take her to the rugby club. I hug her heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps. She loves us and we love love love her. We have our very own thrower and lead.
Monday, 27 August 2012
Christchurch Birthday Weekend
In the wekend I went to Cristerch for my cusons birthday. He had a batman birthday. Our cups said our names on them my one said BatJosie on it. Hamish's said Hamish the archer on it. Violet's said BatViolet on it. It was the same as myn but it said Violet on it. His cake had a batman simble on it too. I sleped there for one nite. I sleped in his big sister's bed. Mum and Dad sleped in a big boy's bed. There was two big pillows in it. The pillows were blue. My pillow was pink with red dots on it. Laurie sleped on a matris on the floor. Violet sleped in the birthday boy's bed. She fell out so did Hamish.
Sunshine YES Rain NO
Today we can feel the sun throw the window. We wont be eating inside now. it feels like summer because it is so warm outside. I love having lunch outside. I love playing with the balls outside. But I do not like to stay inside for lunch or morning tea. We are lucky the sun is out. The trees are growing nicely in the rain because the trees need watered. We can not water the high trees because they are too high for us to reach. Everyone in the world can not reach the highest tree in the world. I can not ether because I am in the world so is my house. But if you were standing on a ladder. My Dad has a ladder he dose not yous it very much but he dose let me play on it some times he takes it to work. He never yoses it at home. rain rusts the ladder that is why he hast to keep it in cover at home. Mum dose not have a ladder only Dad dose.
Rainy Days
I do not like rainy days. I can not play outside. Sometimes I haf to go outside for fresh air. But sometimes I can stay inside. I do not like to stay inside. But there are some good thing about staying inside. Like haveing cudles with your Mum. I like that one. Kos I do it ervrey day kos I love it. So dos my Mum. So dose my dad we all do. Even Violet dose kos she is in the family. Lots of worms come up on the ground when it is raining outside. Caleb brings them into classroom we get to hold them. I do not hold them. Because I do not like them. But my big brothers do kos they hold them. They are sad when it is not raining. I am happy.
Junior Syndicate Olympics
Our bana said Japan on it. When I was watching I sat by the woodchip playgroud. Switzerland was behinde us. I had a fan. Argntina wun. Mac got the only meadal in room two. I was happy. I was wearing a white top with a red dot on it. I loved it. We did not have swimming in the olypics. But we did have other avents. I was in three leeps with a ball. I did not win but that dose not matter I will try again next time. my brother was in the egg and spoon race he did not win ether.
Dad's Birthday Crazy Tea
Yestaday it was my Dad's birthday. For tea he had crazy tea. He had chips and lollys. We all loved it. I loved it best in the family cos I love Dad and he loves me. So dose Mum so do the boys so dose Violet and so do I. We all do the same all the time. For the chips My Mum put the chips in my bowel.
Marbles for Moana Pool
It is fun going to the pool. I swim and swim it is awsome. We are doing a thing for being very nice. I have got lots of marbles in the jar.
Flower Collection
I love flowers. I have got a klecchin of them. There are lots of colours. You can put them in a vas. Violet likes the Violets the best becase she is called it. I like Roses becase red is my favrite coluer so is white. the same with Violet. she likes purple too.
Pinafores and Curly Hair
My little sister likes pinafors. I do not like them. I do not wer them. I do not have eny. I gave Violet them. She is almoste five. She is nice. She has kerly hier. At prischool ther is a techer with the same hier.
Happy Faces
I like big nice very happy faseis. I do not like bad little sad pepoel. Evryone can be sad. Evryone can be happy. When you have a happy fase you are happy. When you have a sad fase you are sad. I do't like being sad. I do like being happy. I am happy today.
Bike Ride
I went for a bike ride. My nice Dad went with me to the big shop. Man he is nice. I got some gum. Then I went and saw Isaac and Amy and Edith and Cler and their Dad. then I went home. I got watermalen flaver so did the boys. But Dad did't he got mint. When we got home Dad let me have a pis.
Pencils Like You
I draw with a pencle. You do too. Pencles draw. They draw pichers. With you very often. Because they like you. Because you write with them. I love them too. Do you like them too. My famaly loves them
I have a cat his name is Ginger. One day he bit Tilly on the ere. Tilly called out. she was saying ow. I said its ok then picked her up and Ginger ran away. But we were gone and he came back. I had scyordy canmas out and I saw him. They are getting yoost to ech other.
Ahh coffee
My Mum grindes the coffee. Then jrinks it ahh. She likes coffee she slorps it down. Dad is not a loud it he is on a diete some times. Mum lets me have some of hers. She is very nice!
My New Kitten
I have got a new little kitten. It is my Mum's she lets us have cudles with her. We got her in a box. I sat with her. She keeped calling out. When we got home we made a home for her out of her box. She is called Matilda. She is getting biger by the days. We all love her. At first Dad said No but then Mum said yes. I said yes too.
I scech at home. I do it and at school to. One day lots of peple folode me there. That day I droai a person with a croun on his head. Aynsley droai a cat. one day I droai a a raindow at school. I droai a bird at home. Laurie is good at sceching he is so good at it he gose to Jill's to pante. Wen he is a grone up he is going to sall them.
Nana Pearl's Funeral
I went to my nanas fyoonaril. my Mum and Dad came with me they were nice to me. We sang a song. someone sang her fravrit song. My Dad helped them pat her in car. the car carryed her to get bernt. some people get bered some bernt.
I love ranbows they are pretty. they are made by rain and sun. They have green red blu oring yullo indgo violet. I saw a rambow yesterday. They come after thunder and litning.
Prischool Pyjama Day
Today prischool is haveine a pj day. Violet is wering her dot pjs you don't need to wer your pjs. you can wer your cloths. lots of people wer ther pjs. Violet is wering her pjs. we shod have them too.
Saturday, 31 March 2012
I Like Learning About Plants
I like lorning abat wot is in plants. This is my gadin. If you see the carit that has gon to seed. I grew thes vejtbils.
Monday, 19 March 2012
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
This is the Kids' Hut

It had a sleeping room and a kitchen and a bedroom for Hamish and it had 2 time outs. And it had a spare bedroom for Violet. Hamish really always wanted to go into time out. He only went in there once, but he wanted to go in lots of the other times. In time out, first we had to write that we weren't going to do what we did again.
Ginger is a very funny cat and he was dozing in our hut.
The hut was a really big one. It almost took up the whole room.
Today I've built my own little one with help from Mum. My one's got a seat.
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